One Short Line, Free

The short Tacoma Link streetcar has some distinctions within this country.  Not only does the system have the least total route mileage, but also it is the only line operating modern equipment that runs entirely on a fare-free basis.  Collecting payment would entail greater costs than the revenue that would be realized.   

The line begins a bit south and east of downtown, at Tacoma Dome Station.  After three intermediate stops that take it through center city, it reaches the other terminal, Theater District/S 9th.  Total distance is 1.6 miles.

This photo was taken at the middle station, Union Station/S 19th.  Trains from each direction customarily meet here when the line is operating on ten-minute headways. 

Links to Individual Pages:
Testing in Progress Final Stop Downtown Private Right of Way
Double Track Begins Leaving Theater District Tacoma Dome Station
Along Commerce St. Car Barn Old Union Station
Former Businesses Hillside Intense Sunlight
Streetcar Approaches New Convention Center Link and Old Buildings
Leaving the Street Convention Center/S 15th Leaving the Street
No Right Turn On E. 25th Harmon Mfg.
Private Right of Way Union Station and Blue Sky Freighthouse Square
Northern Terminal Side View End of the Line, North
Large Windows Second Track Begins Convention Center
Old City Hall Big Mountain, Far Off Old Skyline
Groomed Landscape History Museum To the Maintenance Facility
Brightly Painted Buildings Old Advertising Down the Grade
Plaza and Buses Cairns Theater District
Commuter Parking Chihuly Bridge of Glass Summer Flowers
Summer of 2007 Beyond a Pool Summer of 2008
Summer of 2009 Turning onto Pacific Ave. Bridge Beyond
Flowing Water Bumper Meeting at Union Station
Inside Union Station Waves Keep Off Tracks
Still Unbuilt Old Tacoma Tacoma Area Map