Standard, 1931

I've had a long and special fondness for  learning about -- and watching -- the evolving histories of America's various former Standard Oil companies.

Standard Oil of Kentucky, which was not a refiner, for years acquired much of its product from Standard of New Jersey, the Esso folks.  But it was an independent company, eventually acquired by Standard of California (Chevron) during my years of map frenzy in the early 1960s.

It may be assumed or guessed that the closely-related covers of these 1931 maps from the two companies were chosen or suggested by the mapmaker, General Drafting Co.

The main station sign for the Esso predecessor had the quotation marks around it -- and thus I suppose that's why one is STANDARD and the other is "STANDARD" in the title.

By the end of the century no U.S. oil company identified itself in any brand or corporate way with the Standard name.

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